2025 PriorityONE Credit Union of Florida Scholarship
The PriorityONE Credit Union of Florida Scholarship was established to help PriorityONE Credit Union
Members, which are graduating high school seniors, work toward their first undergraduate degree or
technical certificate.
PriorityONE Credit Union (POCU) will award up to four scholarships in the amount of $500.00 each. Eligible
students need to be enrolled in a technical school, college, or university for the 2024-2025 academic year.
The scholarship may not exceed the cost of education billed by the school. Scholarship funds will be paid
directly to the school. If tuition was paid thru other Scholarships, this scholarship may be used for books.
Receipts are required for Reimbursement.
To be considered, applicants must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 if attending
a technical school, college or university. Applicants will be evaluated on the following equally weighted
- Essay
- Academics, Leadership Awards, or Recognitions
- Community service, volunteer work, or employment
- School Activities
- Letter of Recommendation
The final decision will be made by the POCU Scholarship Selection Committee. All decisions of the committee
are final. Decisions will be made and the winners will be announced at POCU Annual Scholarship Luncheon,
scheduled for May 2025. Date and venue will be announced. The Scholarship winner and/or parents are
required to be present at the Annual Luncheon.
- The Applicant and/or Applicant’s Parents must be a primary member of POCU, must have joined
POCU before December 31, 2024, and accounts must be in good standing. For verification of your
membership status, please call 954-335-5100. - The Applicant must be a graduating high school senior with a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point
average. The applicant must show enrollment into a technical school, college, or university for the
upcoming academic year. - Selection Committee Members, and their families are not eligible. Previous scholarship winners are
not eligible.
- A GPA approval document from the school (copy of latest report card or letter signed by the school
counselor). This must be received by POCU directly from the school in a sealed envelope by the close
of business on April 15, 2025. The total cumulative GPA must be included on the documentation.
POCU will not calculate your grade point average. - A completed PriorityONE Credit Union Scholarship application.
- An essay on the following topic: Reflect your personal point of view on your long-range goals and
what you need to learn to achieve them. The essay must contain between 300 and 500 words. The
applicant’s name should NOT appear in or on the essay. Essays will be judged on how well the topic
is addressed, as well as grammar and spelling. The essay should be printed on 8½ x 11 white paper.
Your essay must be typed, double-spaced and fit on 1 page. - Letter of recommendation from non-family member.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to see that the transcript, application, and essay are received by the
deadline. Scholarship applications will not be considered unless all required information is received.
IMPORTANT: Failure to follow instructions will disqualify you.
- Include an original copy of your application and your essay
- Do not send in any part of the application package separately, except for your GPA approval
documentation from the school. - Do not include any extra materials
- Do not staple any part of the application (please use paper clips)
Mail or Deliver to:
PriorityONE Credit Union of Florida Scholarship
Attention: Dianna McKenzie-Baine
3000 N University Dr.
Sunrise, FL 33322-1611
Applications must be hand delivered or mailed to POCU by 4:30 p.m. April 15, 2025. POCU will not be
responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected mail. Faxes will not be accepted. Be sure to sign and date your
forms before sending. Not doing so will result in your application being disqualified
2025 PriorityONE Credit Union of Florida Scholarship Application